
by 13:10 0 comments
Liking is the fourth major principle of persuading someone. Liking is based on three important factors. you like people :
1:- Who are SIMILAR to you
2:- Who pay us COMPLIMENTS
3:- Who COOPERATE with us.
if we are working online will these factors be affecting ? In the series of salespersonfirstnegotiations carried out between MBA's students two groups were made. First group were told Time = Money and get them straight to business. In this group 55% comes to agreement. Second  group was told that before the business do exchange the personal information, identify the similarities you have in common and then begin the negotiations. In this group amazingly 90% were able to come to the agreement.
So how power full principle of liking is important in for catching your customer and agreeing the other person to choose what you want them to choose. Do genuine compliments before you get straight to the business.



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