if today was last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today? " Steve Jobs (1955-2011)
In today's life science is behind everything from the formation of galaxies to the typing of this line science is involved in every aspect of life. Researchers are working over 60 years in finding out and elaborating the science that makes you to say "Yes". Yes means you are clearly persuaded by someone for his/her cause. You said 'yes'?  You might be interested in his/her requested job for you. You said 'yes'?  You might have no other choice to say. Or simply you said 'yes' because you don't want to say "No". So lets find out the ultimate methods to receive  Yes from anybody you want to.
You will not read this or persuaded by me if I put the bulk of boring text pages. you wont be reading the material for long enough in your busy routine. People find short-cuts to do things even to amuse themselves  that's why vines hit more likes than full fledge films. So I would like to Put  5 universal short-cuts for persuading anyone.
2:- Scarcity
3:- Authority
4:- Liking
5:- Consensus
These 5 universal laws for persuading can help you to get your work done every time. We will look in detail for them individually.
icon-hand-shake-love-48-421x350Google Dictionary define the word Reciprocity as : " The practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit, especially privileges granted by one country or organization to another. " The word reciprocity literally means that somebody would return a favour in debt of the favour. It defines that somebody would do favour to you if you had done the favour earlier for that person. That person is now more likely to say "Yes" in your help.
Taking examples into account would widen your vision to understand the trick to apply it to different situations.
* If your friend had invited you to the party earlier. In future it would be your obligation to invite that friend to you party.
* If you helped your colleague before then it likely to be obvious that he/she will come to your aid.
*People likely to say YES when they own you a YES. A brilliant example of this would be of Restaurant. When did last time you have received a gift? or ever received a gift from waiter ? your mind would be astonished to think for a gift from a waiter because its odd and not in common practice. Yes it would be perfect if the waiter gives you a gift just on the time along with the bill. Mind-storm what significance can it brought ? Gift can be a chocolate , a flower , or simply a toffee. Detailed research on this had proven that by giving just toffee(s) can increase the tip for that particular waiter. You probably be thinking that how this can happen, but its true. One toffee was given in a Restaurant at dinner time to the customers and the tip increased by 3%.  The toffee given was increased to 2 and the tip amazingly further increased by 14%. Mobile-Device-and-Software-Growth Now if the waiter provides the bill with toffee and start walking away but pauses and halt , turn back and say ," for you nice people one more toffee". How much would this have influenced? Unbelievably the tip goes through the roof 23% increase.     
So here we can clearly see the quantity do matters but above all its the way of giving you obtain which significantly matters. It's the trick of persuading the person through reciprocity.
Google defines it as, " the state of being scarce or in short supply; shortage. ". It literally means People want more of those thing which they can have less of. In 2003 when British Airline announced that they will no longer be operating the daily twice London  to New York of Concorde flight because its far too uneconomical to run. Sales the very next day took off. Notice nothing had changed about the Concorde itself. It certainly didn't fly any faster the service didn't certainly get better and air fare didn't drop just what happened there was it just got the scarce source. As a result people wanted it more so the persuaded others using the scarcity principle. The Art is clear, you not only have to tell people the Benefits of your product  but also what is Unique  about your proposition and what they stand to  Lose  if they Fail  to consider the proposal. 
Keeping in mind the principles of scarcity we can market our product and not only products but also our ideas. The uniqueness defines the level of acceptance of your idea. Innovation is most major influenced factor for sharing ideas.
Persuade others and let them follow you.

Our third principle of Art of persuasion is  authority.
People will follow
for examples : Doctors and engineers or physicians are more likely to let their customers attracted to them and made them to say YES on their orders if they hag out their "Degrees" or "Diplomas" on the wall. People will likely to pay a change and parking rent of the place to a complete stranger if that person is wearing a uniform rather than civil costumes. This explains the Art of persuasion that how you are representing your ability and qualification can put your influence on next person.
This can cause problems too because you just cant walk away and telling the customers that authorityhow brilliant you are. But you can certainly arrange someone to that this for you. A group of dealers were able to sell more goods when they introduce their customers to other dealer pretending anonymous to each other but praising each other. They had 20% rise in number of appointments and 15% rise in singed contracts.
Now to the conclusion the manner of authority is both Ethical and cost less to implement.

Liking is the fourth major principle of persuading someone. Liking is based on three important factors. you like people :
1:- Who are SIMILAR to you
2:- Who pay us COMPLIMENTS
3:- Who COOPERATE with us.
if we are working online will these factors be affecting ? In the series of salespersonfirstnegotiations carried out between MBA's students two groups were made. First group were told Time = Money and get them straight to business. In this group 55% comes to agreement. Second  group was told that before the business do exchange the personal information, identify the similarities you have in common and then begin the negotiations. In this group amazingly 90% were able to come to the agreement.
So how power full principle of liking is important in for catching your customer and agreeing the other person to choose what you want them to choose. Do genuine compliments before you get straight to the business.
Our last principle of persuading someone is consensus. Google defines it as " general agreement.".  stock_market_chart_upThe People will likely to observe the actions and behaviours of other to determine their own. If we do a trick to persuade others to do what we want, through the power of other same type of people doing the same things.
This is why people are attracted to that stall in the market where is rush. Human mind get satisfaction on buying the thing which already is bought by many people in sense of agreeing upon their choice. They want to give a try to the thing which makes other people to choose. They get eager to use that particular product and want to expose the reason of its fame.
Have you ever noticed why advertising of the product include the statical data in it. Some advertisements simply boast of their customers. They consider it as proud for having such large number of customers. Actually their main aim is to attract the customers using the method of consensus. marketThe audience is attracted to use their product as the others are also using it widely. So people are curious on this and next time they went by that product they will give it a go to check its efficiency.
Just by arranging the words on advertisements you can gather a lot of people around you. You can persuade the customers by reference of other customers and so on.